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What is HUBZone Certification?

The HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zone) certification is a program by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) that encourages economic development in distressed areas. The program aims to promote job growth, capital investment, and economic revitalization in these areas by providing federal contracting opportunities for small businesses located in HUBZones.

To be eligible for the HUBZone certification, a business must meet certain criteria, including:

  1. Location: The business must be located in a designated HUBZone area. These are typically areas with low median incomes or high unemployment rates.
  2. Ownership: At least 51% of the business must be owned and controlled by U.S. citizens, a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, a Native Hawaiian organization, or an Indian tribe.
  3. Employees: At least 35% of the business’s employees must reside in a HUBZone area.
  4. Size: The business must meet the SBA’s size standards for its industry.

Once a business is certified as a HUBZone small business, it can compete for set-aside contracts and receive a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions. The certification is valid for three years, after which the business must apply for recertification.

Find out if you are in an HUBZone area.

To learn more, watch a webinar from SCORE and visit SBA website: HUBZone Program.